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Vacuum Sealing Assembly for 42mm dia Tube Furnace with Valve / Vacuum Meter - EQ-FL-42

Sale Price: Starting at USD$269.00
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Product Options

Left, Right or Both:
This is a pair of smart sealing assemblies for a tube vacuum furnace to tighten both ends of OD 42mm tube without any welding and gluing. The flange set has been upgraded and a single side flange set is available in the options bar. (07/28/14)


  • Made of Stainless Steel with double high-temperature silicone O-rings ( 300°C Max) on each side flange.
  • One end of the flange has a vacuum meter with a valve, and another end has a valve and barbed fitting as default.
  • Sealing tubes by tightening screws on the flange without any welding and glue.
  • 1/4" diameter barbed fitting can be connected with 1/4" rubber hose, KF25 fitting is optional.
  • Excellent for any type of tubing: ceramic, glass, quartz and steel pipe.
  • Optional for single side or complete side flange
Vacuum Level
Dimensions  (click to enlarge)
Installation Video
Warranty 1 year limited warranty with lifetime support. Consumable parts like silicone O-rings are not covered by the warranty.
  • Must put a refractory tube block in front of the flange ( see picture below ) to avoid heat radiation melt silicone O-ring. You may order a ceramic block in related products.
  • Please do not over tighten the three hex screws on the flanges to avoid overpressure incidents. The recommended torque is 35~40 inch-lbs.
  • For liability considerations, MTI does not recommend or endorse the use of any toxic, flammable or corrosive gases with our flange assemblies. Please contact us with any concerns.
Package included (the whole set) Left side flange set with gauge and valve, right side flange set with valve, two steel sealing rings, four high-temperature silicone O-rings ( 300°C Max.) and six hex screws

Optional Parts (order separately)
Anti-Corrosive Digital Vacuum Gauge Anti-Corrosive Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge Various end of fitting as options are available
Optional Accessories
Click here to choose flange for tube from 42mm to 11"                        Vacuum Pump & High Vacuum Station
Stainless Steel Sealing Flange Assembly for 1"-11" Processing Tubes                                                     Vacuum pump and high vacuum station

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