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Contact Information

MTI Corporation
860 S. 19th Street, Richmond, CA 94804-3809  map
Phone: 510-525-3070
Fax: 510-412-1032
Email: (Equipment Dept.) (Crystal Dept.)

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Note: In order to protect MTI manual copyrights, we will provide the manuals to our direct customers only. Customers who purchased used equipment must request manual & software from the seller. 

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Mailing Lists
MTI sponsorships:
MTI Sponsors Thermoelectrics Workshop

MTI-UCSD Battery Fabrication Lab

MTI Sponsors the Postdoctoral Awards

Upcoming Shows:

2024 MRS Fall Meeting December 1-6 Boston MA Booth 901

AABC US December 9-12 Las Vegas NV Booth 812

Click here to see our past conferences

1. Prices listed online are valid for the US market and who pay by credit card only. There will be extra charges for shipping & handling. Prices vary from country to country.
2. We may add extra charges for paper orders and NET 30 terms due to extra labor costs.
3. The prices listed are subject to change without notice.