How to choose a tube furnace When you choose a tube furnace, please consider the facts below:
(1) Working temperature range and the material of the processing tube There are four heating methods in MTI tube furnaces to create different working temperature ranges:
(2) Heating zone length Constant or Uniform temperature zone length
- Heating length is the length that the heating element is covered, which is not equal to the constant temperature zone ( see Pic.1)
- The constant temperature zone is the zone within +/-1 ºC variation or dependent on your application, which is short than the heating zone length
- Usually, the constant temperature zone length within +/-1 ºC is 1/3 of the length of the heating zone length, ( Pic. 2)
- Constant temperature zone length may vary dependent on your thermal block material or service time. Strongly suggest you calibrate the temperature profile of the furnace from time to time to achieve an accurate working temperature ( see pic. 3)
- Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3
(3) Multi-zone Tube furnaces
- MTI provides various multi-heating zone tube furnaces, which can create temperature gradients for CVD film growth
- If you set multi-zone at the sample working temperature, you can create a longer constant temperature zone than a single zone heating zone.
(4) Choose the right crucible:
- The crucible or boat length shall be equal to or less than the length of the constant temperature zone
- Please make sure that your sample material or vapor does not react with the crucible and tube.
- Please click the picture below to choose a crucible or boater
(5) What difference solid tube and split type furnace
Solid tube furnce ( ring type heating) has more uniform temperature zone , especially in the cross section of tube (Pic. 1)
Split type tube furnace ( bottom and top heatting) is easy to replace processing tube , and fast cooling when open the cover (Pic. 2)
Pic. 1 Pic. 2
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