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Sodium-bismuth tungstate (NaBi(WO4)2 or NBWO) is a scintillator material possessing very high optical quality, high density and radiation hardness. Due to these properties NBWO crystals are widely used in quantum electronics, acousto-optics and high-energy physics, in particular, in Cherenkov detecting and solid state Raman laser shifting.

NaBi(WO4)2 is grown from the melt by Czochralski method.
If specific qualities are required NBWO can be doped with In or other elements
Structure Tetragonal scheelite-like (a=5.30, c=11.58 angstrom)
Melting point 935 °C
Density: 7.5 g/ cm3
Wavelength of max. emission 520 nm (X-ray excitation) 
495 nm (optical excitation at 77 K)
Refractive index at emission maximum 2.15
Radiation hardness 107 rad
Max. crystal diameter 50 mm
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