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Dear Customers: Please make sure the specification of the tube meets your needs before making a purchase. Since Nov 10, 2016, we have no longer accept the return delivery of any tubes due to the fragile nature of the materials. All tubes are not refundable, not exchangeable, or not covered under the warranty (Consumables)We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check the package for damages before accepting the delivery. For more information or damage upon arrival please contact us.
Attention: In order to avoid compatibility issues, it is strongly recommended to use the following tubes with MTI flanges. MTI will not be liable for any incompatible issues caused by sealing components from other vendors.
Disclaimer: All the processing tubes are not manufactured by MTI, and are only for replacement accessories for MTI's equipment. All the tubes are sold for R&D purposes only, no customizations or bulk purchases can be offered. 

Quartz Tubes (0.8"- 24" Dia.)

Quartz Tubes 

Alumina Tubes ( 1.57 - 4" Dia. )

Alumina Tubes

Mullite Tubes (1 - 4" Dia.)

Mullite Tubes

Graphite Tube

Graphite Tube

Stainless Steel and Super-Alloy Tubes

Stainless Steel and Super-Alloy Tubes

Silicon Carbide Tube

Zirconia Tube (10% Yttria stablized )Zirconia Tube (10% Yttria stablized, 2200C Working Temperature)

Refractory Ceramic/Quartz Blocks

Refractory Ceramic/Quartz Blocks 

Quartz Frits
Vacuum Flanges for Tube Sealing
Stainless Steel Sealing Flange Assembly for 1
Refractory tube-reducing adapter
Refractory tube reducing adapter

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PRiME 2024 October 6-11 Honolulu HI Booth 227

2024 MRS Fall Meeting December 1-6 Boston MA Booth 901

AABC US December 9-12 Las Vegas NV

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1. Prices listed online are valid for the US market and who pay by credit card only. There will be extra charges for shipping & handling. Prices vary from country to country.
2. We may add extra charges for paper orders and NET 30 terms due to extra labor costs.
3. The prices listed are subject to change without notice.