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Thermal oxide or silicon dioxide layer is formed on bare silicon surface at temperature range from 900°C ~ 1200°C   . Compared to CVD deposited oxide layer, thermal oxide has a higher uniformity, and higher dielectric strength.  In most silicon-  based devices, thermal oxide layer play an important role to pacify the silicon surface , to act as doping barriers and as surface dielectrics . MTI provides quality and standard thermal oxide wafer in diameter from 2” to 6”  at the following links.  If you need special layer thickness please contact us at                                             
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<2" Thermal Oxide Wafer 
2" Dia. Thermal Oxide Wafer 

3" Dia. Thermal Oxide Wafer 

4" Dia Thermal Oxide Wafer .

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PRiME 2024 October 6-11 Honolulu HI Booth 227

2024 MRS Fall Meeting December 1-6 Boston MA Booth 901

AABC US December 9-12 Las Vegas NV

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3. The prices listed are subject to change without notice.